
Supplier Sustainability Pre Assessment

Sustainable Paresh assists suppliers in getting the globally acceptable EcoVadis sustainability assessment ratings. This Together for Sustainability (TfS) assessment assesses the overall quality of a company’s sustainability systems. We facilitate the suppliers in answering the TfS assessment questionnaire through proper guidance, required documentation and attaching the relevant evidences. The sustainability assessment is done online. It requires proper guidance in responding to questions across 4 different themes, namely:
  1.  Environment
  2.  Human Rights and Labour Practices
  3.  Ethics/Governance
  4.  Sustainable Procurement

EcoVadis has been helping companies globally across different industry sectors and sizes to forge opportunities from sustainability challenges.

Its methodology is aligned with global standards. It provides a scorecard that can easily be shared with multiple customers.

 For further details, please visit: 

Together for Sustainability Audits

A TfS audit is conducted on-site to check a company’s sustainability practices. Our goal is to prepare the suppliers for an on-site audit. We also provide the service of a detailed documentation review by a highly qualified sustainability auditor. The audit is usually done by visiting the supplier factory, discussing actions for choosing right documents and advising the appropriate plant inspection methodology.

The Together for Sustainability (TfS) initiative implements an international supplier engagement program to evaluate sustainable sourcing practices.

For further details, please visit:

Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

All business owners wish to achieve a high EcoVadis score, as it shows customers and other stakeholders that you take sustainability seriously.

One of the best ways to improve your EcoVadis score is to work upon Corrective Action Plan given by Ecovadis in your current scorecard.

This plan involves to close the gaps and the areas in which you need to show improvement and then drafting a strategy to make those changes. The Corrective Action Plan should include specific goals and measures you plan to take to reach those goals.

By creating a Corrective Action Plan, you can ensure that you are making measurable progress towards improving your sustainability practices.

This will not only help you reach a higher EcoVadis score but also help you show your customers and other stakeholders that you take sustainability seriously.

We are here to help you every step of the way. If you have any questions or would like assistance in creating a corrective action plan, CONTACT US NOW.